The New Business
Office Solutions Case Study
Traditional Office Space Solution
The firm leases an office in a traditional office building for a three year term necessitating a six month security deposit which ties up desperately needed capital. The firm will also need to purchase office furniture. The firm spends valuable work time setting up and coordinating their phones and internet connections and they hire an office manager to oversee the office and answer their phones. As a start-up, they are uncertain of their business success yet they have limited space to expand over the three year lease term.
The Corporate Suites Solution
The start-up rents a four-person office space from Corporate Suites. Within days, they move in to a fully furnished and technology ready office with pre-wired internet, phone and fax lines. They spend very little of their limited capital on their office and are able to utilize those funds to invest in their business. The office is centrally located providing an easier commute for their staff and investors. They are able to meet with their clients in a professionally appointed conference room and new clients are impressed by the prestigious location and well appointed reception area. There is no need to hire and train an office manager as Corporate Suites administrative staff is on hand to perform clerical tasks, handle mail and answer their phones while the onsite IT staff is available to respond to the firm’s changing technology needs. As their business grows and new staff is added, Corporate Suites seamlessly provides them with additional space. With the added flexibility of a Corporate Suite, the new technology firm is able to make the most of its time and remain focused on building its business.
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